We’re celebrating a special occasion today as MJO Communications turns six years old! It’s been an amazing time for us.  We’ve worked on some exciting projects, launched some award-winning products, met some difficult deadlines and hit the headlines with some great stories.   I’d like to personally thank our clients, partners and friends for their ongoing support and to take this opportunity to look at some of the key factors of our success over the last six years.

Impactful programs

As budgets have been slashed in the recent economic downturn, MJO has worked hard with our clients to balance brand presence and awareness-building with delivering marketing programs that demonstrate an immediate and direct impact on revenue.  As markets recover and strategies shift from cost-cutting back towards growth and acquisition, we’re still focused on helping clients make every marketing dollar count.

Compelling content

The best leads, marketing strategy and insight won’t help much if your sales team can’t close the deal.  (A recent IDC survey found that only 29% of B2B buyers believed sales reps were really prepared for presentations.)   MJO is focused on providing sales teams with compelling and relevant content to engage buyers at every stage of the purchasing cycle and sales tools to help you gain the competitive edge.

Real engagement

We’re helping our clients engage more closely with their customers, putting the buyer at the centre of marketing efforts – be it through reacting quickly to market intelligence, developing targeted campaigns, integrating social media into communications plans or making tradeshows effective forums for business.

Broadcast in our blood

Our team has over 30 years’ experience of successfully marketing products, services and solutions in the broadcast arena – from behind the camera to the viewer’s TV remote control.  We are passionate about this business and understand the challenges faced by today’s media organisations and technology providers as they respond to the demands of tomorrow’s audiences.

A talented network

We are privileged to work with so many talented groups and individuals in the broadcast industry  (technologists, PR agencies, copywriters, designers and creatives). It’s through our strong relationships that MJO continues to learn and expand our knowledge-base – ensuring that we are able to offer our clients the best marketing advice and service.

Growing-up & hungry for more

From the outset, our mission has been to do something we enjoy and to do it well, working with people we respect in an industry we love.  And six years on, we’re still managing to have some fun along the way! In April 2011, we moved into “The Shed”, a purpose-built office at our Berkshire base.  It’s a great place to work, think and get creative with clients and is a real commitment to our business’ future.

And on a personal note…

Setting up a business has been an adventure in itself and has personally led me down some unexpected paths over the last six years: I’ve married my best friend and given birth to a son; I’ve become a welly-wearing country-gal with a penchant for Zumba; and I’ve failed miserably to learn the guitar but have learnt to cook a mean prawn curry.  It’s been a blast and we’re all looking forward to the next chapter.

Happy birthday MJO!